Welcome to our blog page where we will add new articles to keep you up to date with the latest practice news.
Pet Dental Health
Just like humans, dogs and cats are born without teeth, they develop milk teeth, these start to fall out at around 16 weeks to make space for permanent adult teeth. Your puppy will develop a full set of 42 adult teeth at around 6 – 8 months old. As humans, we…Read more
Winter Weather Alert
Our latest pet care blog has arrived, it includes some of the common winter pet hazards that owners need to be aware of. Festive alert During the festive season make sure all your decorations and wires are out of reach of pets since they can make very tempting toys, especially for kittens…Read more
New Consultation Room
We have a brand new consultation room at our Hounslow surgery to support our Brentford clients and their pets veterinary needs. As some clients may be aware Albany Parade, Brentford is shortly due for redevelopment. In advance of this, we’ve had the builders in at our Hounslow surgery and we now…Read more
Autumn Pet Care
Autumn has arrived and with it our latest Pet Care Blog, to help keep your pet happy and healthy through the changing seasons, be the first to read it here. Autumn hazards The shorter days and cooling of weather marks the start of Autumn and a range of new pet care challenges,…Read more
The Importance Of Early Socialisation
Our latest Pet Care Blog has arrived and it includes a some top tips to keep your pet fit and well at throughout the summer time. The early experiences a puppy or kitten has of different people and their surroundings, has a huge impact on their behaviour and personality. The first…Read more
Spring Hazards
As the weather improves and we thankfully leave winter behind us, take a moment to consider some hazards that could be lurking at this time of year for your pets. With Easter just around the corner, it is therefore important that you are aware of the common items that are poisonous…Read more
Winter Has Arrived
Our Winter newsletter has arrived and it is bursting with pet care advice for the cold season ahead. The shorter days and horrible weather can leave us battling to do our daily exercise. Weight gain can have some serious effects on our pets long term health, read our latest Winter…Read more
Osteoarthritis and your cat
Arthritis in cats is a surprisingly common and serious health concern, without treatment the pain will continue to worsen, particularly as the damp, cold weather starts. Recognising signs of pain in your cat can be tricky as they are very good at hiding the signs of struggling and discomfort. But…Read more
Troublesome Ticks!
As the summer turns into Autumn, tick numbers are at their highest. Our Autumn Pet Blog discusses the problems that ticks can cause and how to safely remove them from your pet. Unlike fleas, ticks are not itchy, but they can spread disease some of which pose a serious health risk…Read more
Managing Diabetes In Pets
What is diabetes? Diabetes mellitus (simply known as ‘diabetes’) is a medical condition in which there are persistently high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. In dogs it is usually caused by a deficiency in a hormone called insulin, which is usually produced in sufficient amounts from the pancreas. In cats it…Read more
Handling The Heat!
The summer is well and truly here so we’ve put together some tips to keep your pet fit and well at this time of year, click here to read our top pet tips. The heat can be a real killer for many pets and for this reason it’s a good idea…Read more
Separation Anxiety And Your Dog
During Covid the rise in pet ownership grew almost overnight, but with many people on furlough or working from home, this meant many puppies were never left alone. Although many shops and restaurants have now permanently opened their doors to dogs as well as their owners, not all places are…Read more
Getting Off To The Best Start!
Are you introducing a new pet to your family in 2023? A new pet in the family is a lot of fun and also a big responsibility, so we’ve put together a short ‘to – do’ list to help your pet have the healthiest start to life at home with…Read more
Winter Flea Alert
Did you know that winter months are often the worst for fleas, because although it is cold outside, our houses are warm and just the right temperature for them to breed in their THOUSANDS. Our Winter Newsletter discusses the signs of a parasite infestation on your pet and in your home and…Read more
Firework Fright!
As temperatures drop and the nights draw in, it’s great to get out and active in the autumn, but there are some factors to consider to keep your pets safe and well. Fireworks season is fast approaching, are you prepared? Our vets Top Tips for fireworks season include; Check your pets chip details –…Read more
Summertime Survival 2022
Summer is here and we’re seeing temperatures rise higher then ever before! To keep your dog, cat and other fluffy friends safe and make sure you are prepared for the hot summer days, have a read here for our top tips to survive the heat. Lost Without It… Is your pet microchipped? If not, have…Read more
Spring Into Action 2022
Spring is here at last with longer days, longer walks and warmer weather! With this in mind, here are a few seasonal tips to keep your pet safe, read them here. Spring parasites: Is your pet affected? As the weather warms up, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the pesky…Read more
It’s Cold Outside! Winter News Blog 2021
BRRRRRR…It’s Cold Outside! As the days get colder and wetter and the temperature lowers, we take a look at the best ways to keep your pet fit, healthy and happy in our WINTER BLOG! Did you know it’s not just dogs and cats that suffer from dental disease?! The good news is that…Read more
Autumn News Alert!
Autumn is here and what’s better than cosy nights at home curled up with your furry friend. Our latest Autumn Blog takes a look at some of the pet care challenges this time of year can bring and how you can help your pet stay healthy and happy all season long! Firework Fear! Whilst…Read more
What To Do If Your Dog Has Fleas
So, you’ve discovered fleas on your dog and understandably you want rid quick. Your next moves are crucial, but there are simple steps you can take to win the battle over those uninvited guests. Don’t worry, fleas are more common than you think There’s an awful stigma attached to an outbreak of…Read more
Summertime At Last!
As we head out of lockdown, and at long last start to embrace our new – found freedoms, we can also (hopefully!) look forward to some beautiful summer weather and warm days. Our Summer Blog talks you through the challenges of pet ownership in the warmer months. A word in your ear! Ear disease…Read more
Canine Arthritis
Canine arthritis. Managing a flare up. Dogs with arthritis can have good days and bad days, much like their human counterparts, and with any chronic condition there may be days where your dog experiences a flare up (sudden re-appearance of their symptoms) and these need to be managed to keep your…Read more
Covid – 19 And Early Socialisation
Covid 19 and early socialisation, the early experiences that a puppy or kitten has when they are little will have a huge impact on their behaviour and personality for the rest of their life. Unfortunately, over the past year the pandemic has made it much harder to socialise young pets.…Read more
Winter Toxic Alert!
As well as a range of health problems associated with cold weather and the festive season, Our Winter Blog takes a look at some of the most common toxin’s ; Read about them here, some are seasonal, but most tend to be year round. Signs of poisoning in pets can often be vague so…Read more
Autumn Aches
For some pets, fewer walks during lockdown has lead to them gaining some unwanted extra weight. Just like in humans, extra weight gain puts a strain on organs such as the heart and lungs, and especially their joints. Our Autumn News 2020 talks you through the problems these extra pounds can cause…Read more
Young Veterinary Partnership Summer News 2020
We all love the summer weather – when it arrives! But how prepared are you and your pets? Our Summer News gives you some top tips to help beat the heat this Summer! Dogs can easily overheat – leading to heat stroke, understand the signs to watch our for in your dog HERE. Caring…Read more
How does pet insurance work?
The ins and outs of insuring your pets. Another important consideration when getting a new puppy or kitten is insurance, with so many different providers out there it can be hard to know which policy is best for you and your pet. We hope that this article helps to explain how…Read more
Should You Give Your Cats Milk?
We are frequently asked whether or not you should give cats milk. It has always been seen as the go-to drink for them, with the traditional image of a cat sat by the bowl of milk, lapping it up. However, can cats drink milk? The cat that got the cream The reality…Read more
Spring Tick Alert!
We recommend checking your pet every day (especially after walks) to remove any ticks before they attach and feed. Our Spring Newsletter discusses how to protect your pet, the diseases that ticks can potentially be carrying and how to remove them safely. Body condition score your pets from home. Our Spring Newsletter explains how to body…Read more
Lungworm – The Silent Killer
Lungworm is a parasite that can cause serious health problems in your canine friend, and if not treated it can be fatal. Lungworms aren’t fussy, they will infect any breed or age but particularly younger dogs as they seem to like chewing and picking things up – making them more…Read more
What To Do When Someone Else Is Feeding Your Cat
Here at Young Veterinary Partnership, we’ve noticed an increasingly common problem amongst UK cat owners: other people feeding your felines. Although on the surface this doesn’t seem to be too much of an issue, it can actually have some pretty serious consequences, whether those putting out food realise it or…Read more
Winter Is Fast Approaching
Winter is fast approaching, the weather is getting wetter and colder and your pet may decided to spend more time inside than out. Our Winter Guide has arrived, read it here, its crammed with top tips to help keep your pet fit and healthy this Winter 2019. Alabama Rot is a disease…Read more
Autumn Alert!
Autumn Alert! It is easy to think that as the temperatures drops, so does the risk from parasites but actually the opposite is true! Autumn is a lovely time of year to have long walks through golden trees with your dog and cosy evenings at home with your cat. Our Autumn…Read more
What Happens If You Don’t Remove A Tick From Your Dog?
So, what happens if you don’t remove your dog’s tick? Well, recent research has found that one-third of the UK’s dogs are carrying a tick. That’s a seriously large number. Ticks on your pooch shouldn’t be taken lightly – and there are preventative treatments out there which are really worth using. If…Read more
How Can I Find The Best Cat Insurance? Understanding Pet Insurance
If you’re a cat owner, pet insurance could be a great option when it comes to ensuring you can afford veterinary fees in the event of an emergency. Unfortunately, an accident or illness can happen to any pet, which inevitably means a trip to the vet and the costs that…Read more