Autumn Alert!

Autumn Alert! It is easy to think that as the temperatures drops, so does the risk from parasites but actually the opposite is true! Autumn is a lovely time of year to have long walks through golden trees with your dog and cosy evenings at home with your cat. Our Autumn News provides some great advice on the range of pet care challenges that we must be prepared for.

Blocked bladders

Cats can frequently suffer from cystitis, especially during times of stress – moving house, a new pet arriving, family member staying over. In rare cases, male cats can suffer from a blocked bladder, this is a true medical emergency. Feline SOS, in our Autumn News offers advice on understanding when your pet needs to be seen as an emergency. Generally, cats are good at keeping out of trouble but occasionally serious problems do occur.

The tooth about rabbit teeth!

Did you know that, unlike dogs and cats, rabbits have continuously growing teeth – growing at a rate of 1 – 3 mm per week! Our Autumn News offers diet advice to help avoid a dental problems in your bunny. Keeping your bunnies teeth worn down, will not only keep your rabbit happy and healthy, it also keeps them stimulated and busy, and helps keep their intestinal system working normally.