Autumn Pet Care

Autumn Pet CareAutumn has arrived and with it our latest Pet Care Blog, to help keep your pet happy and healthy through the changing seasons, be the first to read it here

Autumn hazards

The shorter days and cooling of weather marks the start of Autumn and a range of new pet care challenges, that as pet owners, we should consider and be prepared for.

Ticks – Many pet owners don’t even think about tick protection, but if you walk your dog in long grasses, places where there is plenty of wildlife passing through, you should consider tick protection for your pet. The main issue with ticks is Lyme disease, it can effect dogs and humans. Understand more about ticks and the problems that they can cause in our latest pet care blog here.

Firework Fright!

With the darker evenings drawing in, fireworks season will soon be with us. Our autumn news offers some great advice on how to support your pets during fireworks season. There are some simple tips that you and your family can do at home, and many pets will soon settle but if your pet does require some additional support please contact our team with plenty of notice and we can discuss how best to support you and your pet.

We hope you enjoy reading our latest pet care blog, if you have a question or concern about any of the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more support and advice on your pets individual case.