Lungworm – The Silent Killer

Lungworm is a parasite that can cause serious health problems in your canine friend, and if not treated it can be fatal. Lungworms aren’t fussy, they will infect any breed or age but particularly younger dogs as they seem to like chewing and picking things up – making them more likely to ingest a slug or snail. Slugs and snails act as intermediate hosts for the Lungworm, harboring the larvae in their tissues. When a dog swallows an infected slug or snail the worm larvae are freed into the dogs intestine, the larvae then penetrate the gut wall and move into the lymph nodes. The next stage larvae move via the liver into the right ventricle of your dogs heart. They develop here into adults and lay eggs which then travel into your dogs lungs via the blood stream. Here the Lungworm start inflammatory reactions, granulomas and fibrosis, this is where you may notice your dog develop a cough. The cough moves the Lungworm from the lung into the dogs mouth and then re swallowed down into the trachea, they then continue to pass through the intestines and are excreted to reinfect further slugs and snails.

The signs of Lungworm

The signs of Lungworm can vary from case to case and can be confused with other illnesses. If you notice any of the symptoms described, or your dog is a regular slug or snail eater, then it is vital you protect them monthly against this potentially fatal parasite. Early diagnosis and treatment will give your dog the best chance of a complete recovery should they become infected, but as is the case with most things prevention is better than cure.

  • Breathing issues - Coughing, getting tired quickly, not wanting to walk as far as normal.
  • Poor blood clotting - Nose bleeds, cuts that wont stop bleeding, anaemia.
  • Behaviour changes - Depression, lethargy, seizures (fits)
  • General sickness - Weight loss, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite.

Reduce the risk in your dog

It is easier said than done, but if you notice your dog sniffing around a slug or snail, stop them before they move on to making them into a light snack!

Don’t leave any of your pooches toys or bowls outside. This will prevent them becoming contaminated with the infected slime trails.

Pick up after your dog. As a responsible pet owner you probably already do this but bagging and binning your doggie doo’s helps limit the spread of lungworm by preventing larvae in infected poo from infecting the slugs and snails in your garden.

Use a regular lungworm anti-parasite treatment. Everyone knows about flea products, and how irritating a flea infestation can be, but a severe Lungworm infestation can actually take your dogs life! Prevention is better than cure.

Prevention And Treatment

Don’t be fooled, just because a product says worm prevention, this does not automatically include Lungworm, but prevention is easy. Speak to our friendly team today about monthly protection for your dog, prevention is simple and can be provided by our team for easy, at home, applications.

If you have any concerns about Lungworm and your dog, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more help and advice.

The good news is, Lungworm protection is automatically included in our Pet Healthcare Club. Why not join today and spread the cost of your pets veterinary essentials across affordable monthly payments on a date that suits YOU.

Our Healthcare Club includes – Annual booster vaccinations – Two Health checks with a vet – 12 months flea and worm protection – Lungworm protection for dogs – Two nails clips – Two anal gland expressions for dogs – PLUS a 10 % discount on all other products and services we offer.