Spring Hazards

As the weather improves and we thankfully leave winter behind us, take a moment to consider some hazards that could be lurking at this time of year for your pets.

Lilies are toxic to pets

With Easter just around the corner, it is therefore important that you are aware of the common items that are poisonous for your pets. Click here to read our latest pet care blog.

Our website also has a free Pet Poisons checker, this service is open 24 / 7 and available for all pet parents to use. Save the link in your web browser > Pet Poisons checker here If your pet ingests something they shouldn’t of, timing of treatment plays a big part in patient recovery, don’t delay, seek immediate veterinary advice.

Worming worries!

Worms are something all pet owners need to be aware of, there are three main worms to treat for – Tapeworm, Roundworm and Lungworm. Our Spring news discusses the difference between them and the threat that can pose to you and your family. Regular prevention, picking up after your dog, good hand hygiene plus preventing your dogs eating slugs and snails, will all help towards keeping you and your pet safe. To understand more about these nasty parasites click here for our latest pet care blog.

We hope you are enjoy reading our latest pet care blog, if you have a question on concern about any of the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more advice.