Spring Tick Alert!

Spring Tick Alert!We recommend checking your pet every day (especially after walks) to remove any ticks before they attach and feed. Our Spring Newsletter discusses how to protect your pet, the diseases that ticks can potentially be carrying and how to remove them safely.

Body condition score your pets

from home. Our Spring Newsletter explains how to body score / weight check your pet from the comfort of your own home. All four of our West London surgeries offer free weight checks but if your pet is overweight it is essential that you are keeping a close eye on their waist line from at home as well as in the surgery. Our Newsletter provides some top tips on how to help your pet lose weight, and the health issues that are caused by gaining those few extra pounds!

Easter Alert!

With Easter and Mothering Sunday on the horizon, be aware of the pet poisonings that may lurk in your home. Our Spring Newsletter offers some seasonal tips on how to keep your home poison free and what to do should an emergency arise.