Winter Toxic Alert!

Winter Toxic Alert!As well as a range of health problems associated with cold weather and the festive season, Our Winter Blog takes a look at some of the most common toxin’s ; Read about them here, some are seasonal, but most tend to be year round. Signs of poisoning in pets can often be vague so owners should be vigilant when it comes to their pet’s health. If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxin do not delay, seek veterinary advice immidately.

Caring for your Guinea Pig. 

Guinea pigs make lovely pets! They are social and, provided they are well cared for, they tend to stay in good health. Did you know that guinea pigs have continually growing teeth, understand their feeding and social needs in our Winter Blog. We are here to help you with all aspects of your guinea pig’s care, so if you have any questions regarding your precious piggies, please give our friendly team a call.

Can You Pinch An Inch?!

With the onset of winter, and following Covid restrictions, many of us have gained a few extra pounds – Our pets are no different! Unfortunately, excess weight places extra demands on many organs of your pets body. Extra weight can lead to, or worsen, many health conditions. Our Winter News Blog, talks you through how to visually check if your pet is gaining weight from home, the demands it puts on their body and most importantly how to help your pet loose the extra weight.

Also included in our Winter News Blog; How to help the birds in your garden. During a cold night, birds can loose up to 10% of their body weight just trying to stay warm. Help keep these beautiful birds fighting fit this winter. Festive alert; Pieces of string, tinsel and bone should all be kept out of your pets reach to avoid an intestinal blockage.

We hope you enjoy reading our Winter Blog 2020, if you have a query on any of the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to contact our team for further advice.