Winter Weather Alert
Our latest pet care blog has arrived, it includes some of the common winter pet hazards that owners need to be aware of.
Festive alert
During the festive season make sure all your decorations and wires are out of reach of pets since they can make very tempting toys, especially for kittens and puppies!
A reminder that chocolate, grapes, onions and the sweetener xylitol are poisonous; these are in abundance in festive foods. Please ensure they are kept safely away from your pets. If your pet ingests something they shouldn't of, use our Pet Poisons checker immediately to seek guidance on whether your pet requires emergency veterinary attention.
Worming worries!
There are three main worms we are concerned about, and can treat - Tapeworms, roundworms and lungworms.
Our Winter News discusses the problems they can cause to your pet and your family if left untreated.
We hope you enjoy reading our Winter News, if you have a question or concern regarding any of the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more help and advice.