Emergency Service

Do you have a pet emergency? If so call us straight away on 0208 567 2724.

This is our main Ealing reception number and will give you access to veterinary advice 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Our out of hours service:

We are able to see all  weekday emergencies at our surgeries  between the hours of 8:30am and 7pm Monday to Friday. 9-1pm Saturday and 9-1pm Sunday.  Outside of these hours  urgent cases will be seen at the local 24 hour clinic in Richmond run by Medivet.

If you call when our surgery is closed, please listen carefully to the recorded message which will give you the correct contact number. The contact number once dialled will connect you to the local 24 hour vet clinic in Richmond.

The Richmond 24 hour clinic address is 171 Lower Richmond Road, Mortlake, London, SW14 7HX. Click here for directions.

Medivet, Richmond consultation fees are £149 for out of hours care - 7pm-9am, and £130.68 Sundays till 7pm, bank holidays till 7pm, and Saturdays 5-7pm. 

Prices correct as of December 2024.

All patients that are presented to Young Veterinary Partnership between 8:30am – 7pm that require hospitalisation will be cared for at our surgeries (Ealing or Hounslow), and will not be moved to another site. In the case of overnight hospitalisation of a patient, continual monitoring cannot be achieved. The duty veterinary surgeon will make checks as necessary as determined by the condition of the patient.

Please note: If your pet requires further treatment and or hospitalisation, charges are in addition to the Emergency Out Of Hours fees and will vary from patient to patient.